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Knowledge of flame retardant in EVA fire resistant foam


The flame retardant in EVA processing fire-proof foam is actually about 30 years ago. Scientists invented a chemical substance and added it to plastics. This chemical substance can delay the fire when there is a fire, so as to give time for rescue and escape.

With the continuous promotion of the invention in the world, many household goods contain this chemical, but when scientists do experiments on these flame retardants, they find that these chemicals will cause many aspects of harm to human body.

It was reported that in February 2003, the European Union had issued a directive; on April 1, 2008, the court of justice of the European community also announced that decabromo would also be included in the banned list. On June 19, 2008, Canada also passed a regulation banning decabromo, which came into force on that day. Similarly, EPA began to list decabromo as a potential carcinogen.

But now China has become a warm bed for the production and sales of flame retardants. In 2009, the global demand was 2.2 million tons and the market value was 4.9 billion US dollars. China is the main driving force. According to statistics, the average annual consumption of flame retardants in China from 2002 to 2004 is four times of that in the world.

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